Behaviour Policy
All of our leaders are volunteers. We are not paid anything, have families of our own, and we give up a lot of time to ensure that our members have fun. This means that we should not have deal with members who do not behave in the way expected of them.
We have therefore elected to adopt a clear “yellow card, red card” behavioural policy, so that members and parents all know exactly what is expected and how we will deal with any member who breaks the rules.
For the purpose of this behaviour policy, any reference to Scouts in the text below is referring to Beaver Scouts, Cubs Scouts and Scouts within 2nd Kuala Lumpur Scout Group.
Yellow cards will be given for the following:
- Talking when they should be listening, including talking over leaders and other Scouts.
- Purposefully ignoring the instructions of a leader.
- Messing around, wandering off or playing on phones when they should be joining in with activities.
- Using inappropriate language, including swearing and name calling.
- Intentionally destroying or damaging property belonging to the Group, the site, or to another person,
- Talking, giggling, making gestures or otherwise misbehaving during Award ceremonies or while representing 2nd Kuala Lumpur Scouts at events, e.g Remembrance Day Parade.
Any Scout who receives five yellow cards over the course of a term will be suspended from Scouts for one session. We may also set limits on the number of yellow cards that can be received in the run up to a camp.
Red cards will be given for the following:
- Fighting with other Scouts
- Bullying of any kind (physical or verbal)
- Receiving two yellow cards in one session or during camp
Any Scout who receives a red card will be suspended from Scouts for one session, or sent home if it is early in the session. If a Scout receives two red cards (at any time) there will be an additional suspension and a meeting between a leader, a parent and the Scout to agree what action should be taken. Any Scout receiving three red cards may be asked to leave the Pack following consultation with parents and Scout authorities.
Any Lodge Leader, Sixer, Seconder, Patrol Leader or Assistant Patrol receiving a red card, or regularly receiving yellow cards, will lose their stripes.
We would much prefer not to have to deal with misbehaviour, as it is not only unfair on us, it is also unfair on those Scouts who are behaving and want to get on with activities, so the above code will be strictly enforced. Your Scout’s attendance will be taken as acceptance by you of these rules.