Hibiscus Explorers Kuala Lumpur (British Scouting Overseas), in partnership with 2nd Kuala Lumpur Scouts (BSO), are currently raising funds for two exciting projects: 

  • A truck which they will convert to use as a mobile kitchen to feed the homeless, and others in need, in the Klang Valley, Malaysia
  • Two converted shipping containers (20ft each) to use as storage for all our camping equipment and activity resources, now we are having to relocate

The Scout Association, and the World Organisation of Scouts Movement, encourage their members to earn money raised for projects, so the Explorers, and Scouts, have been working hard over the summer to raise funds themselves in a variety of ways: making food products to sell, selling craft products, etc.  However, we are not able to run our usual fundraising activities at school fairs, bag packing in supermarkets, etc owing to the current lockdown restrictions.

Food truck Project

Please, instead, support our project by donating any amount (no amount is too small!): email 2ndklscoutstreasurer@gmail.com for details on how to make your donation referencing Food Truck when making the transfer.

Storage Container project

Please, instead, support our project by donating any amount (no amount is too small!): email 2ndklscoutstreasurer@gmail.com for details on how to make your donation referencing Storage Container when making the transfer.

Overseas Scouting opportunities & general fundraising

Please, instead, support our project by donating any amount (no amount is too small!): email 2ndklscoutstreasurer@gmail.com for details on how to make your donation referencing Overseas Scouting, or General fundraising, as appropriate, when making the transfer.