The Role and its Responsibilities

We have 3 Sections within 2nd Kuala Lumpur Scout Group with, usually, at least 1 Team Member in each supporting the Team Leader.  The descriptions for the role in all 3 Sections are outlined on the UK Scout Associations website if you click on the Section you are applying for to find out more.  All Team Members are required to undertake validation of modules (listed below) which help them build on skills and learn how Scouting works.


Adult application form – editable version email to:

Letter of Good Conduct application – go to Quick Links and select Letter of Good Conduct. Once the certificate is approved, please email a scanned copy to

DBS is usually a hard copy form to be filled in by anyone who has ever been resident in the UK; there is now an online service available but only to those who have the necessary forms of ID.

Please provide 2 personal references, who should not be related to you, on the application form who have known you for at least 2 years.

You will then be interviewed by our Appointments Committee to ensure you understand the role and how Scouting works.

Getting Started

Mandatory Training – to be completed within first 5 months of being appointed:

Essential Information




Tools for the Role

Please email any certificates provided to:


Team Member Training Modules

To earn your Wood Beads all of these Modules, listed via the links, should be completed within 3 years of being appointed:

All appointments

Team Member specific